
Monday, December 19, 2011

ONE YOGA Dec. 19, 2011 Synopsis

December 19, 2011 ONE YOGA Class " Me and my Bolster"
Tonight's class focused primarily  on floor work utilizing the bolster to promote lumbar-sacral proper movement and stability!
I reintroduced the "Buddha's Breath", 4-7-8, while we sat in a comfortable seated position.
Then we worked supine, laying with the bolster running from Lumbar 5 through the thoracic vertebra up to the cervical spine. The sacral base was placed on the mat, thus the lumbar sacral junction was supported in its proper kyphotic curve.
Utilizing Rotatory stretches, we opened up the hips, shoulders, and lengthened the spine.  Interspersed with these stretches, we worked the core with spinal flexion - forward bends. 
Taking turns lying on each side, we explored side bending stretches.  Then, we lay on our bellies, pelvis on the mat, chest and abdomen on the bolster; in supported cobra.  Various cobra poses were explored deeply.
Prior to the final relaxation, we moved through a progression of bridge poses. 
The final relaxation explored the use of breath to revitalize the tissues of the body during inhalation and releasing tension, strain patterns, metabolic and inflammatory mediators. Deep repose was experienced by the class and restorative peace was shared throughout the room. 

Happy Holidays 2011. 

The final ONE YOGA Class of 2011 will be next week, Dec. 26, 2011

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