
Monday, July 16, 2012

Wow!  It is hard to believe that i have not posted a blog since March!  My own healing journey required turning within .  With an intent to not over extend myself, the blog postings were part of the contraction,  in reducing my work load.

ONE YOGA continues on Monday night's in Sebastopol, at Devi Yoga Center, starting at 7:15pm.

In the last couple of months, i have been focusing the ONE YOGA classes to promote neurological health; sharing a variety of breath techniques, spinal fluidity stretches, and promotion of fluidic health
I am recalling when I first started practicing yoga, 40 years ago!  It was a similar transformational time in my life.  Leaving college at the end of my sophomore year, I was inspired to move to 'the land,' co-founding  a commune, and exploring the path of health- physical, emotional, psychological,communal, and spiritual.

This was a time of tremendous growth as i explored improving my health and the health of the community, by incorporating vegetarian cooking, organic gardening, chopping wood, baking bread; practicing good karma and taking on health and consciousness skills including daily hatha yoga, meditation, inter-religious dialogue, and the study of local flora with special interest in healing plants and herbs.  Oh yes, i also took up recorder!

This is an interesting time in our lives; whether we pay attention to it or not, we are all aging!  I am very confident of the importance of  regular physical activity and the tremendous benefit that we can gain from the practice of conscious yoga!  I invite you to drop in for a class or two during this summer season of One Yoga!
Best wishes for you,
Yusuf Quddus Erskine DO

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